Sunday, October 14, 2007

Halloween is a Coming...

Michael in his new costume.
Husband says I should clarify--he is not a Jawa! (He's an "Unknown Phantom")

Today I will be making Dragon Eyeballs (green grapes with raisins into them) -- you freeze them, and then put them in ginger ale and green sherbet mix. Then, Friday I will make a Jello Brain and skeleton head cupcakes. And there is tons of Bubble Wrap in my trunk. YEP, its time for that insanity called the Halloween Party! Next Saturday, I will have ten rambunctious children running around my house, while apples will be soaking in water for bobbing and spooky music will be playing. (Oh, and that broken up-ended pinball game husband was supposed to move out of my living room--still there. Maybe I will decorate it as a coffin??!)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

cute costume:-)

And thx for the BD card - very thoughtful of you!!!

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