Wednesday, October 17, 2007

20 year old! I wish! - Updated with Pictures

Had my pre-screen ultra-sound for Downs and Trisomy 18/13. The ultra sound combined with the blood test will give you an idea on what your risks for these matters are. As I am 37 (well, almost 38), I felt it necessary to find out, so....

The test results came back the best they could possibly come back. My risk factor (based on my age): Downs - 1 in 140; Trisomy 1 in 247. My risk factor based on the prescreen - Downs - 1 in 2,781; Trisomy - 1 in 4,921. Basically within the range for a 20 year old woman. (So, I guess I have 20 year old ovaries!)

Okay, okay, big "Whew!" for that...but I know what you want---pictures of Tadpole! (But, guess what---you gonna have to wait--I am at work and don't have them with me!) HA!

I did get to see Tadpole bounce around and float, wave its arm and got to see its feet. All very inspiring, especially for someone who is only 3 inches!

The last photo, it looks like Tadpole might be sucking its thumb...


Waiting Amy said...

Delenn that is wonderful! How relieved you must be. Its nice to finally get some results that make you happy, right!

Can't wait for pics!

Jackie said...

Such great news and a tremendous relief! Congrats!

Caro said...

I had that screen today yesterday too. Love the pics.

JJ said...

GREAT news---so happy for you!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...