Monday, September 06, 2004

Kids Stuff

Spent some time playing with instant zoo animals in the tub with my son! Those things are so fascinating in such a simple know the ones, the capsules that you put into water and the plastic melts and then you have a small sponge object in the shape of something...yep, sometimes the most simple things can keep your kid fascinated for hours.

Spongefun! Posted by Hello

One small thing my son got into was Nak Naks. There is a game involved, but as with most small things, he is more into collecting them.

;Posted by Hello

Right now he is starting to get into "Mighty Beanz" which look like Mexican Jumping Beans (and they act like them too, with magnets providing the movement).

Mighty Beanz Offical Website

Another thing that is always interesting to note is that my husband and I always are finding the "Official Websites" for these toys.

A really cool small toy that my son was into (Okay, being honest, my husband and I were into them more than my son):
Hero Clix

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...