Sunday, April 24, 2022

Another year, another Teenager Birthday! Fourteen

Now we get into those years that start to blur and then before you know it, they are in college...

In the fall, she will be going to High School.  HIGH SCHOOL!!!

I had a hard time when she started Kindergarten, as I knew she was my last child.  As Michael grew, I could always say to myself: "But I still have my baby girl!"  HA!  Apparently, all children grow up!  

So...Fourteen.  Thirteen was a strange, hard, year.  Willow had to have knee surgery, and cope with going back to in-person school...she still has issues with school work and being in school...

Then...two weeks ago, she got COVID-19 (as did the rest of the family---except far...).

COVID girl feeling better....

That has meant that the past couple of weeks have been strange indeed in our house, as we have isolated.  Now, today, we are all well enough to venture out for what Willow wants for her Birthday---DIM SUM!


I hope this year comes with less drama and more happiness for my daughter.  The many times she surprises me with her knowledge, maturity, naivety, humor, and empathy.  The times she asks for "five more minutes" every morning and how she still hugs me and wants to hang out with me.  She is an interesting person to get to know and I am looking forward to her growing into an even more brilliant human being.  I guess she will always be my "baby girl" in my heart...but I have to make room for the woman she is becoming.

All I know for sure...its been an awesome 14 years!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...