Monday, April 25, 2022

Pretty Darn Perfect Birthday...2022

If this had been "normal" times, pre-pandemic, I would have invited a couple kids over for pizza, snacks and a movie, etc. The teen years are weird for birthdays...but it can still be a time of friends and a party.

HOWEVER, we are in year Three of Covid...AND Willow and the rest of the family were in isolation for the past two weeks with, one could assume that her birthday would have been low key, and possibly kinda crappy.  Especially since, originally we had planned to go to a gaming convention on Friday/Saturday this past weekend (we had to cancel our plans/reservations due to the aforesaid covid issues).

BUT--the weekend of her birthday ended up being perfect.  Perfect weather-wise, perfect for the activities we could do...every thing went without a hitch.

She had a type of cake she wanted (green tea...who knew that it would actually taste pretty good?!), I took her shopping for K-Pop stuff...and the one thing she has been wanting to do for "over a year"...go and eat Dim Sum...we were actually all well enough to do and do it safely.  The cap of the day was eating cake and watching Ponyo, one of her favorite movies.  

I am so happy that we were able to give her such a great weekend!  What a way to start Fourteen!

Green Tea cake from the HMart.

Came with its own candles.

I had no idea that there were strawberries inside.

Picking out Dim Sum.

That is chicken foot on her plate...which she loved.

Yum, Dim Sum!

Sweet Bun!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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