Sunday, April 03, 2022

29 years

This year kinda just snuck up on us.  We are still in sort of post Covid mode, and the time still goes at a weird pace...sometimes slow, sometimes fast.

Chewy has been really busy the past 2 weeks working on a project that he cannot describe (seriously, its a security secret).  I am SLOWLY transitioning to a new position at work, so I am busy learning new things etc.  Willow has been extra stressed lately and Michael has been obsessed with board games and playing them with us.

So, with all seemed just a few days ago that we celebrated Michael's birthday!

And here it is...Spring has started and April 3rd is upon us.

Twenty-nine years since we both said "I Do" in a Justice of the Peace's living room.  There are times it seems like more than that. All of our adult lives together.  Its had its ups and downs, sideways.  We have been thrown a lot of curveballs, and yet we are here and strong and love each other and I cannot imagine life without him.

Happy Anniversary!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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