Saturday, May 08, 2021


I don't really remember when I turned 13. The teenage years were such a blur.  I remember High School and the anticipation of things to come...and now, I am a mother to a 13 year old.

It has definitely been a strange few years and her first years in Middle School has been challenging in so many ways.  But in a really good way, the challenge has also brought my daughter and I together even more.  We are starting to bond in that way where I hope it lasts through the next few years of teenage drama and we end up continuing be the more mature relationship of a grown young lady and her mother.

It is bittersweet to watch the children grow up like this.  And the last few years and pandemic make it so much more clearer that life is fragile and short.  Sometimes that just gets me down.  Sometimes that makes me want to live life to the fullest. 


Willow at 13: loves Manga, loves Japanese fiction, anime, history, UTube, driving around with mom, Billie Ellish, Gorillaz, The Monkees.  She loves running around outside, cute squishy stuffed animals and drawing.  She hates working on homework, doesn't like the noise of people eating, and apparently Flan and Chocolate are heaven on earth.

Funny, intellectual, manipulative, dramatic, loud, clumsy, whimsical, daring, wise, anxiety-ridden, coffee addicted, fashion obsessed (if not personally).

Willow is awesome.

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