Monday, November 19, 2018

The Card

He has a card in his wallet.  I found it online, printed it out and laminated it with tape.  On his 18th birthday I gave it to him and explained it's function.

I know he will have to use it sometime.  I know he is reluctant to do so.  

Sometimes humans do not want help, or even want to admit that they need help.  Sometimes that is okay...builds character and strength, as they say.

But sometimes, it is a dangerous rely on other humans.  To rely on the good and hope that the dark, ignorant and hateful sides of humanity do not exist or that you will not encounter them.  That you will not be misunderstood.

So. There is the card. In his wallet.  I wish it was a protection spell.  I wish it was more.  I hope it will never be used...but if it is...I hope that it protects and shields him...from himself.

The card can be found here.

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