Monday, April 25, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. For more Perfect Moments, go HERE

Moment #1: He is up; I can hear him moving. It is Friday of school vacation and I am taking the day off to be with him and his sister (and visiting grandma). I lay in bed, trying to grab a few more moments of sleep before the fun/exhausting day will begin. I drift…and then General Grievous is over me with a light saber! (Oh, wait; it’s just my son waking me up in his unique way)

Moment #2: I wrote her birthday post a few days ago, scheduled it to post at 7 a.m. on her birthday. It is the day after her party, it is her official birthday. And she has come into our bed early this morning and is snuggling up, sleeping next to me. But I know it is after seven and I want to make sure her birthday post posted. I grab my tablet and silently check while she sleeps. (Dad has went downstairs with the boy, I hear them making noise—hopefully not breakfast) Looking at her sleeping, looking at the post…I cannot help it…I start to read it to her (remembrances of reading Hanukkah stories to the chinchillas). I read it to her, knowing she is not listening, cannot understand. And she stirs. As I finish she wakes up and I hug and kiss her and whisper “Happy Birthday!”



Kathy said...

Here from PMM. What beautiful perfect moments Delenn! I love that you so often share perfect moments about each of your children. It is a good reminder (for me at least) to be grateful for what I have, after years of hoping and dreaming to be here.

I love how your son woke you up and got choked up reading about your experience the morning of your daughter's birthday. Precious.

I hope that you have a wonderful week with many more perfect moments!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Wait. Is my son YOUR son??

Happy birthday to sweet W.

Sheri said...

I love your Perfect Moments! Your post brought to mind many times my three boys have awakened me...and many great birthday celebrations.

Thanks for sharing your Perfect Moments.

Visiting from PMM.

Anonymous said...

Great perfect moments, Delenn.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...