Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Perfect Moment Monday - Musical

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.

Moment #1: His friend comes over and the boys go upstairs, taking my daughter with them to play in his room. I hear jumping around, tossling, giggles...the typical stuff. As I finish making dinner, I then hear something I have not heard since school ended. Slowly, almost silently, I hear it. A familar sound to me, more familar than my son can guess...the soft tones of a clarinet playing Hot Crossed Buns; Are You Sleeping; The Snake Charmer song. He stumbles a bit, but hardly any squeeks. And I am astounded that my son is playing his clarinet so well, without any practice, without any prompting...he is playing his clarinet to his audience. Dinner is ready. I let it sit a bit, because I do not want him to stop.

Moment #2: Daddy is taking a nap upstairs in our bedroom, I have to distract her as my son and his friend go outside (it is too late for her to be going out right now). I have her go upstairs so that my son and his friend can sneak outside. And outside my bedroom, we sit in the hallway...and she sings songs to me. These are not songs that she has learned...these are songs that she has made up about her day or about her toys. Ocassionally I hear a word or two I know and understand...something about her baby (doll) and the beach. She stands as she sings and she sways her arms and hands, reminding me of those Hula dances you see on t.v. After she is done, we both clap. And then she says "Now, YOU." and I have to sing--I at first sing a made up song about her and how much I love her. And we clap. And then she sings another song. When it is my turn, I cop out and sing the ABC song (which she sings along with me). I am struck by the thought that singing is the ultimate in happiness...at least right now.

To see more Perfect Moments, click HERE.


Kate @ Ex Libris said...

I always love moments that involve music. Those are wonderful :)

Kristin said...

Oh how beautiful!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

I just love your perfect moment posts! How wonderful that they both enjoy music so much.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

There's something so perfect about watching children lose themselves in something. That presence, that lack of self-consciousness, that being in the moment.

How wonderful that you notice. And share!

Cibele said...

wow, I love the way you write about these priceless perfect moments. You have a heart of gold!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...