Saturday, May 30, 2009

Show & Tell #35

My Show & Tell this week is about the little things we do during the summer---

Like Chalk drawings:

These were done by Michael, and they are of General Grievous.

Pretty good, if you ask me! (He also signed his work!)

Also, water guns are fun!

Of course, I bought two of these--why should he have all the fun?!

And there is always the fun of having the windows open in your house and enjoying a nice breeze!

Of course Michael and I had to squirt her with water too...

Show and Tell
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Friday, May 29, 2009

Little Things Can Mean So Much

Yesterday, we went to a Memorial Day concert and saw Michael sing--it was the first time I saw his personality open up on stage (usually he just sort of stands there only partly singing songs I KNOW he knows--cuz he sings them around the house). This time, he had a group solo (I watched--and video taped) him fooling with the microphone--it was on a stand and too tall. For the second song, I saw him nudge another little boy and point to his little sister, who was smiling and clapping along.

This morning, just as I was walking to the car to take my son to school, he hugged me. I needed that hug (and he isn't always with the affection, this one).

I was putting on her coat, and asked Willow to give me her arm, so I could put it in the sleeve. She gave me her arm and also offered the other one.

Adriana, our once-a-week-housekeeper (who I THANK every week that we have, cuz my sanity is saved yet again) came in this morning and said how beautiful Willow was. And hugged her and cooed to her. And then Willow followed her around the house...

I spent some quiet time with Willow as the day was cold and rainy--we stared into each others eyes.

After school today I took Michael for a much needed haircut. He wanted to go to the Newbury Comics store nearby. We made some purchases, and as I was paying for them, my cell phone rang. As I was talking, I left the store with our purchases--and proceeded to see that I had a little shoplifter in our midst. Willow had grabbed a candy bar off the shelves that are underneath the counters. She was attempting to eat it through the wrapper. It was all bitten and slobbery--hence it went into the trash...(I did not go back to pay for it, sorry...but the kids were driving me insane, needed to go home!)

I was able to buy a few scrapbook items yesterday, and may actually have time to scrapbook this weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Crazy 8's Meme

A little while ago, Kristin tagged me for this meme. The rules say I must mention the person that tagged me. I have to complete the list of 8's. And, I have to tag 8 bloggers and tell them I tagged them.

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1. Summer and the fun to be had outside.
2. Going to Cape Cod this August for a whole week.
3. We are going to a Tall Ships festival in Boston Harbor on July 11th.
4. Willow talking.
5. Michael spending the summer with me.
6. Getting a JOB (but, now that summer is here...umm, it can wait a bit longer, eh?)
7. Planning fun things to do!
8. Reading some good books (I got a pile of them...)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Went to lunch with an old co-worker.
2. Went with my friend Ana and my son Michael Geocaching.
3. Fell on gravel and hurt my shin doing #2.
4. Watched the season finale of "Dollhouse".
5. Kept reading my current book.
6. Looked for work.
7. Picked up my Willow from daycare.
8. Ordered pizza for dinner because I was too wiped out to cook (and I had a hurt leg for sympathy!)

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Lose weight quickly.
2. Have a sense of direction.
3. Paint artistically.
4. Live on the Cape part of the year
5. Teleport
6. Not have to work; be able to be paid for things I LOVE to do.
7. Scrapbook more
8. Magically make the laundry clean and folded every week.

8 Shows I Watch:

1. 30 Rock
2. Battlestar Galatica
3. Caprica
4. Dollhouse
5. Dr. Who
6. How I Met Your Mother
7. American Dad
8. Family Guy
8 1/2. Robot Chicken

8 Favorite Fruits:

1. Bananas
2. Strawberries
3. Cherries
4. Mangos
5. Peaches
6. Pineapples
7. Apples
8. Blueberries

8 Places I'd Like to Travel:

1. Europe
2. England
3. Washington D.C. again
4. San Francisco, CA
5. Seattle, Washington
6. Hawaii
7. Alaska
8. Mexico

8 Places I've Lived

1. Fort Wayne, IN
2. Kalamazoo, MI
3. East Lansing, MI
4. Mason, MI
5. Acton, MA
6. Woburn, MA
7. n/a
8. n/a

People I've tagged:

1. Serenity
2. Doc Grumbles
3. Mrs. Spock
4. Cibele
5. Christy
6. Kathy
7. JJ
8. Farah

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wheee! I have a camera on my phone now!!

Yes, I am behind the times. I FINALLY upgraded my phone (I had to wait since I ungraciously HAD to give husband MY upgrade option so he could get a G1). So, I am only 2 upgrades behind everyone else....I have a phone with a camera!! WHeeee!!

First pictures I have taken with new phone:

Michael at the New Hampshire Ren Faire this weekend. He wanted me to buy this...ummm..No.

Willow at the Faire, clapping at a guitarist. It turned cold, she was the only one with a coat.

Willow at Willow's Bookstore...grabbing every stuffed animal she can. I bought her one of the two bunnies she is holding there.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfect Moment #1: Michael is in the "SpotLight" this month at school. I guess each month they pick a child in his class who brings in some photos and they post it on a bulletin board in his classroom. So, last night, Michael and I looked through the many scrapbook pages I have of him. I haven't scrapbooked in about a year (I have done a little of Willow's book, but hardly anything since she has been born). I had forgoten how many books I had done of Michael. And all those books are his when he grows up. And it was wonderful to go through those books with him, remembering him at various ages. The first time on a beach, his various obessions over dinosaurs and superheroes. And he enjoyed looking at them. I think, I hope, that he sees the love and tenderness that went into them. It also reminded me why I love scrapbooking.

Perfect Moment #2: Just a few minutes ago, just before she fell asleep in my husband's arms...she said "MOM" very clearly. Not Mmmmammma, or mamma or something that sounded like mom. No, it was the first clearly, audible Mom.

Click here for more Perfect Moments.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Willow is pretty much walking.

Willow is off formula and onto milk.

Willow is using sippy cups exclusively.

I wish I progressed as well with my goals.

I have not lost my baby/IF weight, and in fact have gained 5 lbs. since unemployment, etc.

I have not found a job, yet. (Although I know that is not an easy goal in this economy)

I have not found Pepi the Iguana, and in fact have made another mess to deal with--Michael's room has all his stuff out--trying to find the damned iguana...

Feeling a bit isolated from the world and all the things I should be happy about. Maybe its the rainy day. Or the fact that I worked at my old job last week (with half the people gone because of the layoff). I miss my Grammie. Just feeling down for no real reason, but yet some reasons, intangible. Ugh.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thoughtfulness the Braces Bunch Way...

As some of you know, lately things have been a bit tough here in Slaying land...

Which is why my spirits where WAY lifted by a package sent by one of the Braces Bunch gang, Farah! It was a small package of Easter candy! I got jelly beans, snack size chocolates, etc.

I don't think Farah realized what that package would mean to me...
being athiest, I haven't had an Easter basket in ages! And it made me smile and think of being a child. And the chocolate was just the type of pick-me-up I needed today!

Thank you so very much, Farah!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Moments...

This is a weird week for me. Someone at my old job is on vacation, and they asked if I wanted to fill in. So like a Ghost, I am here at work, but not “really” here at work.

Random thoughts/moments….

At my desk, on the floor I see it. The bracelet my son made at camp last year. Blue and yellow beads on a string. Barely fits my wrist, I had put it on a corner of a photo last year. It made me think of him. And I realize that I had accidentally left it behind. Thought—Hmmm…they don’t clean up around here that often, eh? Other thought—my son is with me right now and always.

Coming home from work yesterday. Just surreal to be doing this again. But it’s not real. Next week, unemployment again. My “new normals” keep changing on me. I don’t like it. I want my life to be “normal” again.

This morning. Listening in on the baby monitor. My son had brought my daughter into his room. And was telling her all about the Force and how it works (that it can be used for good and that it can be used for bad; that it could have electrical aspects; that people can use the Force to push opponents away). She would babble her assent. We laid in bed and listened, not wanting to disturb this first real moment of sibling-ness.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Perfect Moment Monday - Mother's Day

Perfect Moment #1: After letting me sleep until 10 a.m., both children enter my room yesterday. Michael is holding Willow. Both are smiling. Both are happy. The card says: What does a Trekkie give her mom on Mother’s Day? and my husband has traced Willow’s fingers into a Spock salute – “Live Long and Prosper”.

Perfect Moment #2: For Mother’s Day, I wanted to indulge in a nice, hot bubble bath—I love them and rarely have time for them. Willow and husband asleep downstairs, I take the opportunity. My son runs downstairs as I am drawing the bath, wakes up my husband --- I hear the commotion. My son runs upstairs to the bathroom—and hands me a scented candle and the matches box. Then asks if he can join me in a bubble bath. I hesitate—I wanted this bath to myself for solitude. My son is ten. How many more times to I get to share a bath with my little boy. So, I had a non-relaxing, cramped, not-as-hot-as-I-like it bubble bath—with my son. And a candle lit in the background…

Click here for more Perfect Moments.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day

Having been a mom for several years, I had been blaise when it came to Mother's Day. Just another excuse to get to sleep in and get a craft object from my son. Until I found out that we had Secondary Infertility. Going through IVF/ICSI and having to work so hard to become a mother a second time, made me realize that I took this day for granted. That there are many women who mourn this day; who dread this reminder of what they are trying so hard to achieve. I will never see Mother's Day the same.

I feel so fortunate to not only have had my son, but to have my daughter after so many years. I am so very lucky!

I wish a Happy Mother's Day to those who are celebrating it for the first time and to those future mother's to be.

Mother's Day 2004

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

1st Year Check Up

Willow is now 20 lbs 12 oz. and 30 inches (2 1/2 feet).

She is "thriving" and "very curious". Doctor was very pleased.

Goals for the next few weeks/months: transfer to sippy cups (she drank her first sippy today!); walking--oh so close!; and just being Willow!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Being Geek

Examples of my (and my family's) recent Geekness showing through:

I was so excited yesterday--I went to Burger King not for a Kids Meal--but to get a Star Trek GLASS! Yep, we got KIRK! Okay, 3 more to go... (Ugh, I hate BK...)

The last several times we have watched Netflix (instant) it was to introduce Michael to one of our favorite Dr. Who--Tom Baker. We are doing the Key of Time series right now.

Yesterday, I was thrilled to pieces to be able to have a sleeping 1 year old forcing me to sit on the couch and watch reruns of the more recent Dr. Who.

We have our sitter, we have the tickets and a whole group of us--including my son--are more than ready for Friday Night and the new Star Trek movie!

Where Michael will bring his engneering badge and our replica phaser...

I wonder if I can fashion Spock ears before Friday...

Lately, our house has been filled with the Star Wars theme over and over and over--as Michael obsessively plays Wii Lego Star Wars. (again--he already has won it several times over)

And, next on Netflix (rental) -- Soylent Green!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Show & Tell # 34 - More 1st B-Day Pictures

Here is what happened to Willow's cake from last Show & Tell:

My friend Ana also took photos at the party last week, and she posted them on facebook (where I stole them). It is always good to have a friend help in documenting those special times. I often do not have my camera/video camera handy--and sometimes that is on purpose as I want to be a PART of the event rather than documenting it. So, I am always glad for an extra hand or two in that department. Thanks Ana!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...