Saturday, March 14, 2009

Show & Tell #30

Tonight we went out to see one of our favorite groups--The Alloy Orchestra.

They are a group of musicians that compose and perform music for silent movies.

I learned about these guys on NPR about fifteen years ago. They combine one of my favorite things, movies, with another favorite--live performance.

We have seen many of their performances, and I enjoy bringing Michael to them when we can. He saw his first silent movie with a musical performance by The Alloy Orchestra (it was The Black Pirate). Tonight, however, was more of an adult movie. It was called The Last Command. I was very impressed by this film, which is noted for being the first movie given a best actor academy award. One of the reasons I love going to these performances is that I find hidden classics.

I love silent movies and enjoyed the evening.

Show and Tell
Click to see who else is Showing & Telling.


Beautiful Mess said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I'm glad for you!

Kristin said...

That sounds like a really cool thing to go and see. said...

I am so glad that you were able to do something that you so immensely like. Wonderful!

I have never been to something of the kind that you are describing. I would certainly do it if I got the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

What a cool evening out!


JuliaS said...

That really sounds like fun! Something I would totally enjoy. Glad you had a good time!

Cara said...

That sounds just lovely. Culture and and evening out combined!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

That sounds like a fantastic evening.

Photogrl said...

What a neat night out!

Ali said...

I've never seen a silent movie ..what a great night out!

Ali xX

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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