Thursday, March 05, 2009

Last Day

Tomorrow is my last day at a job that I have worked at almost 10 years. When I started, it was just after my maternity leave with Michael. I was a new mother of a five month old at a new job.

It was not a job that I studied for in university. It was a job that I decided to take because I had chosen family over my chosen career path. It was a job that was not always intellectually challenging, but I found it fullfilling nonetheless.

I learned those ten years. I learned how to be a working mother. I was happy to have a flexible job with people who I enjoyed working with. And I did learn job skills that will help me move forward.

I also learned how to balance my work life with my real life. It was a hard decision for me to give up my career for a "9-5" job. But I would not give up what I gained for anything. I was able to enjoy my son and my husband more. We were able to become a family. I was even able to give up a raise to have one day a week off to be with my son for a few years before he went to kindergarten.

My job was very family friendly--I remember many times Michael coming in when he was sick or had a school holiday/day off--going on an empty computer or doing homework in the small conference room. I remember taking him out for lunch at the chinese restaurant nearby. I remember sometimes bringing him in the morning and picking up McDs for breakfast--us eating it together in the conference room before anyone else had gotten in.

I also remember Michael being about 2 years old, playing with a large empty Water Refill bottle in the hallway.

I guess in a way, I miss the fact that ten years are gone--that Michael is tied to this place as assuredly as I am. That Willow will never experience these things.

Stupid economy.

[Next time, a more upbeat post--with Pictures!]


AwkwardMoments said...

Delenn, I am sorry.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Hope today goes alright! The economy is STUPID!

Cibele said...

I am so sorry! HUGS

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Sorry, Delenn, I hope things improve soon. Thank you so much for your RSVP to KimboSue's baby shower, I emailed you the details.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Thank you for coming to the Baby Shower today, I appreciate it.

Christy said...

It's always so sad when losing a job feels like losing a part of your life. I hope you are doing well . . .

MrsSpock said...

It stinks, doesn't it? That does sound like an ideal job...

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...