Saturday, January 24, 2009

Show & Tell #25

Yesterday, our friend Ana came over for a visit. Not only is she great with kids, she also is great with animals. She has a German shepherd puppy, named Rykka (reeka). Ana brought Rykka and her German Shepherd Grandmother--Jule (yule-lee). Jule is a care dog, specially trained to be taken to nursing homes, etc. Which means she is really gentle and can stand pokes and prods.

Ana had just had the dogs out exercising, so they were both tired.

And the kids enjoyed hanging out with Jule.

Willow checking out Jule's paw. (Yes, animals have fingers and toes too!)

Willow likes to pull hair--we are trying to teach her to pet our cat, but at the moment, hair pulling wins out. Jule doesn't mind at all. Michael is snuggling Jule. He closed his eyes and was sleeping with her for a few minutes before we brought Willow in...

Pictures taken by Ana's cell phone camera.

Show and Tell


Megan said...

How cute!!!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Those are the sweetest pictures! I love how calm the dog is even with children draped across her.

JuliaS said...

What a sweet inquisitive little girl! You can tell she is positively brilliant and I am so impressed by how calm and still the dog is.

Thanks for sharing!

Rachel said...

So adorable! I love kids and animals together. When Ceara was a baby, we had a HUGE German shephard/Rottie mix (Meeka). She absolutely adored Ceara, and would sleep across the bedroom door at night. Ceara would snuggle into her and fall asleep on the floor, and that dog would not move. I miss her soooo much.
You are lucky to have such a great friend with great dogs!

Michelle said...

ADORABLE! Im an animal lover myself!

AnotherDreamer said...

Awww, I love how the puppy is just laying there! So cute.

Christy said...

I just love when babies start to play with dogs. Andrew recently began paying attention to Molly. Yesterday she tolerated being pet a little bit.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

What a good dog and a cute Willow!

Kristin said...

What sweet pictures and what wonderful dogs.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

I'm surprised that Michael ever let the dogs go home!

Cara said...

Now, THAT is the kind of dog I was hoping to get for the first go round. Calm and patient, and willing to let the kids explore her.


GINA and KEV said...

Such sweet pictures. And what a great dog!

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What great photos!

The Steadfast Warrior said...

Fantastic! Kids and pets are such a great combo. I miss having pets... :(

momofonefornow said...

I love those sweet, big dogs!

KimboSue said...

awww...I love when dogs and babies get along. I so hope my pup can handle the new baby!

Bluebird said...

So precious! I would love to think our dogs would be so tolerant one day - but I know there's no chance!

Brenna said...

There's something about big dogs and babies that always melts me. I just love these photos!!! (And I learned to walk by pulling myself up using my dad's Norweigan Elkhound, Breck.) said...

The pictures have come out real good. And the pics of the children with Jule are amazing. I notice that Michael still has his 'beloved' blanket on. Sweet!

Billy said...

Very cute!
And what an amazing dog Jule is!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...