Saturday, January 03, 2009

Show & Tell #23

The kids Christmas morning...untold stories...

Michael loves to have Willow come sit next to him. His relationship with her is growing and it
is so wonderful to watch as they slowly come to see each other as individuals. She lights up when he comes into a room. She lets him clumsily carry her over to the couch to sit with him.

Stories underneath the photo: Michael has lately started to use our afghan as not only a blanket, but HIS blanket. It started after Michael and I had a day off together and watched Madagascar2. A character has a security blanket named Foo Foo. So, now Michael has a Foo Foo. Willow is holding the first book I ever read to her, a Cat in the Hat book for nursery age children..she LOVES to put it in her mouth. Both my kids hair is out of control no matter what I do.

Show and Tell


AnotherDreamer said...

Awww, they're so cute! I love the Foo foo thing. I had a blankie when I was younger, it was pink and I called it Pinky (Yeah, I wasn't the most imaginative kid, lol.) No one was allowed to touch it. Ah, to be young.

The Steadfast Warrior said...

What sweathearts! Cat in the Hat- great stuff that...

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

With our house full of guests (at one point, six) for the past few days, we had to use every blanket available, including some that had never been used before. The only one left in the storage box... my childhood blankie!

20 years from now you may go to Michael's house and find that afghan tucked away, or even on his bed. :) said...

You made me cry...

I wish someday I can see my children love each other that way and adapt my stories into their own symbols and myths.

Congratulations...that afghan is so gorgeous.

AwkwardMoments said...


Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot in my heart for little ones with blankies. I was a blankie baby myself. The day I got married, it was pinned under my wedding dress as my something old.

Billy said...

Lovely pics!

Kristin said...

They are beautiful kid Delenn. I love the blankie.

Cara said...

Two beautiful kids! I love seeing their relationship through the way they look at each other.

Raggedy Ann said...

What gorgeous kids! I had a security blanket when I was wee. My mum dreaded having to wash it because I would throw a tantrum. Glad I grew out of that.

We have Angel Wings said...

What a beautiful family!

I love Cat in the Hat. Good choice for story time, Mom. :)

Rachel said...

So cute...see, there are some advantages to this 10 year age gap we have!

momofonefornow said...

That is so cool that even with the age difference they are so bonded. I worry about that sometimes, that if we are lucky enough to have one more that the age gap will limit their bonding.

Thanks for the comment on my blog. My bean is near that 5 year mark so maybe that is a typical time for the realization to set in. Your situation gives me hope for my future. Maybe I will have my own little Willow by the end of the year. Here's hoping!

Stacie said...

Aww. What a sweet moment! I, too, had a special blanket growing up. I have so many fond memories of the time I spent wrapped in it. I bet your son will be the same!

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