Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Goals for the Year

I am not one to make New Year’s Resolutions (Okay, I think they are crap. Just like I think Valentines Day is a Hallmark Holiday meant to make a huge part of the population miserable. Yeah, I am a cynical, cynical woman.)

But, I do like lists! And organization. And having my life not in a free fall like it has been a lot of the last year (mainly for good reasons).

So, if not for anyone else but for me, here are a list of “goals” for 2009 and beyond.

• Eat healthier (i.e. not as much eating out) and get back into my exercise routine (thus losing that “baby/PPD/dealing with newborn” weight)
• Get my husband to eat healthier and exercise (not an easy goal)
• To not get laid off (okay, an impossible to control goal, but one I can try to strive for nonetheless) Okay, amending to say to deal with the possibility of being laid off the best I can.
• To enjoy as many of Willow’s milestones as possible and to not needlessly worry about whether she is meeting them at the “right time” or not. Teeth grow when they grow. Children do eventually move around and nobody enters kindergarten in diapers.
• To enjoy Michael, even when his idiosyncrasies drive me crazy.
• To enjoy those mornings when Michael has snuck into our bed to snuggle close to us. (How long before he won’t do this anymore?!)
• To get back into Scrapbooking. (more than once every 3 months!)
• To enjoy my life and the people in it.
• Keep up my current pace on my book reading (I’ve read 3 books since the beginning of December)
• Think before I get angry. Learn patience. Be a role model.
• Keep having family meetings. Make a chart for chores. Get Michael more involved with this process.
• Praise for a job well done or remembered. Please and Thank you.
• Read every night to Willow.
• Let Michael be more independent.
• Baby proof, but do not over proof.
• Re-institute the Nature Trail walk every weekend during spring, summer.
• Let little things go.


docgrumbles said...

great list - hope you get check most of it off!

KimboSue said...

I also am anti-resolutions, but I do love your list! And some of them apply to me too like...

• Eat healthier and get back into my exercise routine

• To enjoy as many of Peanut's milestones as possible and to not needlessly worry about whether he/she is meeting them at the “right time” or not.
• To enjoy my life and the people in it.
• Think before I get angry. Learn patience. Be a role model.
• Read every night to Peanut.
• Baby proof, but do not over proof.
• Let little things go. AKA Put it in a box and (put folded hands up to mouth and blow while throwing hands open into sky) POOF! LET IT GO.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...