Saturday, December 03, 2022


Thursday night we officially kicked off the Holiday Season by going to see a theater show of A Christmas Carol.  We have seen this show before, but not in a few years....and it made me feel good and in awe of life again.  

Something about LIVE performances, and being THERE with them as both the audience and the actors/crew putting on the show are in the moment and ENJOYING being there and in the moment.  

It was like coming home.  After all the mess of the Pandemic and the messy-chaos of life (note some things down below)...its nice to be reminded of how life itself is the EXPERIENCE.

The production is an annual tradition, and many of the actors perform it each year. The actor playing Scrooge has done it for over 30 years...and the familiarity is like putting on your favorite slippers.  You can tell that they are enjoying themselves.  That they are not just going through it by rote.  To do something for 30 years and have such glee in it still...what a metaphor for life.

Some days and weeks this year have been daunting.  Some have been just the daily grind until you realize that months have passed.  

But every so often, just like Thursday night, something happens to bring me to a sense of wonder and awe of LIFE itself.

Reminding me to be a PART of the world around me.  See the things in front of me, Smell, Taste, Listen...and ENJOY!

Some pictures of life the past month or so...

This was the year of No Refrigerator...our refrigerator broke and we did not have a working solution for 3 weeks...which included during Thanksgiving!  We stored the turkey and fixings in a cooler over night-

-and we feasted anyways!

New Thanksgiving decor!

Finally watched the Parade all the way through--thank you UTube for helping me find a NO ANNOUNCER/COMMERCIAL for SHOWS broadcast--I actually Saw the Parade!

While having some food with my Peeps!

Tried a cheese board, apparently not as successful as the ad hoc one I made for "Welcome to Fall"**--it was too fancy of cheese for some...

But chocolate penguins?  Yes!

Random earlier pictures from this fall:

Lennier and Willow doing what they like to do best!

Going to a show with my girl!

Kif disrupting my work...

Michael getting another collectible.  (New shirt from Count Orloks)

End of Halloween!

The Haul

Depression can sometimes look beautiful...(I wanna just Hug the bad thoughts out!)

**My "Welcome to Fall" cheese board:

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...