Sunday, December 11, 2022


I love live shows--the Arts are how we turn life into LIVING and having a wonderful concert experience reminds you of that in so many ways.

Going to an Indigo Girls concert is just such an experience.  I have been to a lot of their concerts (essentially, whenever they are in this area I try to go...).  I even "did" some of the virtual concerts they did during the height of the Pandemic.  

However, last night made me happy that once again, we as a community, can go back to live events.

I went with two of my friends, and it was the typical Indigo Girls concert (i.e. predominantly progressive women (some, but not all, lesbian) and "There was quite a bit of “hooting and hollering,”... The musicians just happily drank it all in! No Indigo Girls show would be complete without their signature song, “Closer To Fine.” This one always has Indigo Girls turning a verse or two over to the crowd to sing and they never miss a word."

The energy was great and I was just happy (and a little nostalgic) to be there in the moment.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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