Saturday, August 06, 2022

Summer flying by...Cape Cod 2022 memories

And like that---its August.

Mid-July we went to Cape Cod.  We stayed at a wonderful house in Wellfleet.  It had three porches and a remodeled kitchen.  Apparently, according to Willow, it had a Goblin haunting it so she couldn't sleep in the bunk beds in the room that she was supposed to share with her brother.  Michael was happy enough to enjoy having a room all to himself.

We did some of the usual Cape Cod things, although the tinge of the pandemic still reverberated.  We have also been going to this part of the Cape long enough that we can now have discussions on what restaurants used to be where, and "remember when" is a frequent phrase. 

Having kids with special needs provides challenges that sometimes sneak up on us. Even (or maybe especially) during vacation, the cracks become craters.  Willow seems to be going through a bout of self doubt, anxiety and depression.  She has definitely been affected by the pandemic, as she obsessively cleans her hands and worries about how "dirty" things are.  A few sleepless nights were part of the vacation this year.  Despite that, we do have a very good memory of Willow, Chewy and I watching The Thing at 3 a.m.

All in all, the vacation was a success and restful for all, even Willow, who came back a little bit brighter.

There were four beaches 10 mins away from the house.

Willow had oysters for lunch one day...

I had these Yummy scallops and corn chowder.

And, of course, a Mudslide!

Woods Hole Aquarium was open again!

A couple of trips to Ben & Jerrys occurred...

Resting in the evening.

The annual sand sculptures.


helloooo, hermit crab!

View from a porch.

We spend some quality time reading and relaxing.

Feeling down, but at least she has sharky (the stuffed animal that Michael got her for X-Mas this year).

I loved decorating my hamburger in Provincetown.

As usual, its LOBSTER for the girl!

Despite this pose, Michael had a fun time.  

Bought the man a hat!

Bought all three of us a HAT.

Willow on one end of the beach...

Michael on the other end of the beach....waaaay down there...that standing spec is him!

Hi from one of my favorite places in the world!

And treats!

Hanging out...

We ate a lot of Red Barn pizza.


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