Monday, June 13, 2022

The Advantages of Working Remotely...

I am now starting my third week of working in a different department where I can work mostly remote.  (I go into the office one day a week, otherwise, working from home).

Some advantages are obvious--spending less money on lunches and gas, less travel time, more flexibility to exercise.

Other intangibles are in more wonderful.  The amount of anxiety that I can help eliminate in my family, by just being there.  Being able to here the "morning tunes" with my husband as we work together on our separate computers.  

Getting to be home when Willow comes home from school and being able to help get Michael to his job (he got a summer job (!) at CVS).

And then there was this morning...having that little bit of extra time to have some cuddles/playtime with Knight...

And coming down to Kif in my new work chair...

I don't know how long this will last (hopefully for a long time!), but it is making me happy and my family happy.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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