Sunday, May 03, 2020

Observations on a Drive

Went on a drive with Willow on a beautiful our new normal of Corona...

  • Lawn signs and sometimes balloons popped up along the way---for 2020 High School Graduates

  • Our Thai place has decided to be temporarily closed rather than do take out

  • We saw an Ecto One...not sure why, but it was just parked on the street...

  • We saw people walking with masks, some not walking with masks, all seeming to keep social distance.

  • We saw a person with a sign trying to get people to a rally tomorrow to protest against quarantine rules.
  • We saw a contemporary band practicing on the lawn of the Masons building.  We stopped to listen for a bit.
  • We saw random signs on people's yards Thanking HealthCare workers and other essential workers...including a person who had a Christmas Lawn Inflatable of a Bumble holding a big old sign.

  • We saw a random Goose.  And a small baby squirrel.  And a plastic pink flamingo taped to a branch high up in a tree.

  • Dairy Queen was opened and a tradition that we usually observe every Memorial Day (getting the first summer ice cream) was somewhat practiced.

  • We saw buds on trees, new green leaves and flowers.  

It was a good day.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...