Saturday, May 16, 2020

Masks, Cats, Distance and Spring....

The weather is finally acting like spring and we are starting to wearily venture out with our masks...

Ana made me this one!
The cats have been a LOT more affectionate now that we are always home.  They are also more in our FACE....and demanding!

Kif wanting me to not work and to PAY ATTENTION TO ME!
So far, I have not been able to really "Utilize" the extra time I have--mainly because I am still working when I am at home---and Willow is now required to attend distance learning google meet-ups every M-Thurs.  Keeping her on track, and just maintaining the laundry, groceries and toilet paper...that mainly has left me with less free time than one would think.  Not a lot of extra time to read books or clean up clutter...not when you then want to just relax and maybe play a board game!

So far, while I have not accomplished many goals--I have indeed gotten to have more quality time with my husband and children AND CATS.

Thursday I actually had my first socially distant dinner date with my friend.  It was a bit strange---we got curbside take out from Chilis and ate in the parking lot next to a creek...sitting more than 6 feet away in lawn almost felt like camping (esp. when I started to get bit by mosquitoes).  While strange--it was also closer to normal--so I look forward to more of this type of "new normal".

So, Happy Spring! Made some of my Grammies Orange Fluff to celebrate (it was gone within 2 hours--Chewy and Willow gobbled it up).

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...