Friday, May 27, 2016

Cell Phone Pictures, Random Memories

Recently my cell phone started acting up...and one of the ways to fix it was to eliminate the many, many pictures taking up memory....over 3,000 pictures.

So, here are some highlights from my cell phone over the past couple years:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Two Steps Forward...One Step Back

Transitions and change and life and work and play and learning and yearning and wondering and anxiety and pain and worry and happiness and cheer and fun and laughter and then finally exhaustion.

That has been the last couple of months for us.  A lot of things happening, mostly good.  Some really bad.  Some not so bad, but worrisome.

While life in general is good--there are bumps in the road -- and there are roads ahead for several of us that look to be rough, wild and unfamiliar.

Willow had some behavior issues in school and we decided to take the initiative and have her tested through the school for ADHD/Autism.  We had The Meeting on Monday.  She is "adorable, funny, entertaining and bright"  "scores above average to high average in reading/comprehension".  Her stories are "creative and concise" and in some of the testing, she "sang her answers".  And she "when angry or frustrated, poor inner control".  She is quirky--and there are tendencies that "could" be ADHD/Autism--or not.  She doesn't qualify for Special Education--but will have Occupational Therapy for her "sensory" issues --which seems to amount to her being fidgety.  So...good meeting over all...but we will have to keep an eye out for things.  (We make Bright and Quirky kids--what can I say?!)

Today, Michael's school called.  The familiar tightness in my stomach as I answered the call.  The fact that he has been doing so well this year, and has made great progress in all aspects of behavior and social well being...all come tumbling down in one incident.  I keep thinking "...but, he was doing so well!"  There are consequences to your actions, especially when you are old enough and even the repentance and "sorrys" are not enough.  He will not be going to the field trip at Fenway tomorrow with his class.  He will process the incident with his case worker and his teacher...he will work through it.  And continue on.

One foot in front of the other.  You trip up, you get back up. One foot in front of the other.  Best philosophy for the moment.  


Monday, May 16, 2016

#Microblog Monday: What we did this weekend.

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is?Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.  Click Here for current #MicroblogMonday posts.

More as an accounting so I can remember:

  • Michael went to Prom at his school (11th Grader)
  • We had great sushi and noodles and Willow got to have a Japanese soda (with a marble in it!)
  • Michael went to a Transitional College Program (More information HERE)
  • Michael broke his glasses (frames) and we got them replaced
  • Willow had a blast with her cousins while we had a Parent Forum to go to relating to the Transitional Program
  • Willow had her first Dance Recital (!)
  • We all went to the Carnival afterwards
  • Mom and Dad collapsed at home and we ordered pizza and watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (old version)
  • Dad worked in the kitchen on his laptop
  • Willow brought a whole bunch of stuffed animals to the kitchen table for some type of ceremony/dance show
  • Michael watched a Hammer Movie by himself; did so well with the Prom and the whole day College thing..we had mercy on him and did not force him to attend his sister's Dance Recital
  • Michael and Dad and I watched The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires 
  • Random Pictures:
Dress Rehearsal on Wednesday

Getting ready for the Recital

At the glasses place

Intermission at the Recital

Ready to go to Recital

New Glasses (Frames--which are actually the same exact style)

Prom--just after he said "Okay, you guys can go now"


Is it Supergirl!?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Low Key - High Gear

Mother's Day was pretty low key as usual.  As usual, I had the pre-requisite sleeping in--waking up earlier than I wanted-breakfast in bed.

Yummy, yummy French Toast from Chewy, Cut Up Strawberries by Willow, Chocolate Cake and Roses by Michael

Then we had the requisite lunch/dinner out at the Japanese Steakhouse (we were going to go somewhere different this year, but scheduling made it work better to go with traditional):

Chewy and Willow having Saki/Water (you can guess who had saki and who had water).  I had Plum Wine.

Then--a Movie!!  (Which, was awesome!!)

Willow dressed for the occasion--Captain America: Civil War here we come!

So, after that low key weekend--our week is gearing up for High Gear!  Tomorrow--Dress Rehearsal for Willow's recital!  While I try to deal with make-up, tights, a bun and finding the rehearsal place--Chewy will be taking Michael to his last therapy session until fall (or perhaps for quite a while longer because he has been doing so well!)

Then, Friday--Michael is going to go to a PROM at his school!  I am much more excited/nervous than he is--I was fine until I got the email today that stated "We will be having a wonderful evening “Under the Stars” with a gold, black and silver theme! We will be having a promenade from 7-7:30 where parents are invited to take pictures outside and celebrate the night!" So, this is happening!?!

Saturday, Michael has a college-transition-prep course to go to for the day...and Sunday, Willow will be participating in her Dance Recital!! Whew!


Wednesday, May 04, 2016

On Being Eight...

I can barely believe that the years have come and gone and she is EIGHT.  When Michael was eight years old--I was seriously contemplating IVF to help us conceive a second child...and now, she is here, she is:

And she is Eight!  Eight years old.  I cannot believe how fast the time has gone...and you would think I was a pro at knowing how quickly the time goes...and yet...I am still surprised when I look at her.

She is all the above and more.  

She is Quick: she asks questions that sometimes make you wonder if she is paying attention, and then she spouts wisdom that you cannot believe came out of the mouth of a little girl.

She is Curious: she loves new experiences, even when she is anxious at first, she plunges in--and is delighted to learn more.
She is Playful: she has a great imagination, she has the sillies often and that giggle is infectious.
She is Strong.  More than she knows.
She is these things and so much more.  It is going to be a wonderful year--Eight!



Staring the New Year off...with an OW!

Willow slipped and fell on a patch of ice yesterday--today, x-rays show no breaks--but bad sprain!   Time for the BOOT! In this family, we a...