Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Low Key - High Gear

Mother's Day was pretty low key as usual.  As usual, I had the pre-requisite sleeping in--waking up earlier than I wanted-breakfast in bed.

Yummy, yummy French Toast from Chewy, Cut Up Strawberries by Willow, Chocolate Cake and Roses by Michael

Then we had the requisite lunch/dinner out at the Japanese Steakhouse (we were going to go somewhere different this year, but scheduling made it work better to go with traditional):

Chewy and Willow having Saki/Water (you can guess who had saki and who had water).  I had Plum Wine.

Then--a Movie!!  (Which, was awesome!!)

Willow dressed for the occasion--Captain America: Civil War here we come!

So, after that low key weekend--our week is gearing up for High Gear!  Tomorrow--Dress Rehearsal for Willow's recital!  While I try to deal with make-up, tights, a bun and finding the rehearsal place--Chewy will be taking Michael to his last therapy session until fall (or perhaps for quite a while longer because he has been doing so well!)

Then, Friday--Michael is going to go to a PROM at his school!  I am much more excited/nervous than he is--I was fine until I got the email today that stated "We will be having a wonderful evening “Under the Stars” with a gold, black and silver theme! We will be having a promenade from 7-7:30 where parents are invited to take pictures outside and celebrate the night!" So, this is happening!?!

Saturday, Michael has a college-transition-prep course to go to for the day...and Sunday, Willow will be participating in her Dance Recital!! Whew!


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...