Tuesday, April 29, 2014

6th Birthday in D.C.

Willow's Sixth Birthday was on April 24, 2014.  We were in Washington, D.C.  and we had a blast!

The day before, we were at the Zoo.  Willow would tell anyone who would listen that her birthday was the next day--oh, and by the way, she had a loose tooth (she still has a loose tooth--no toothfairy sightings yet!)

On her birthday, she woke up and we snuggled the heck out of her.  Then we made our way to the Natural History museum and the American History museum.

When we got back to the hotel room--to our surprise--the hotel staff had left her a surprise!

The hotel staff (including the manager) signed the card, wishing her a wonderful birthday!  In the bag was a small stuffed dog, M&Ms and fruit snacks!  (The card had a little watch like bracelet that to our horror (her delight) played the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song)

The day before we had asked where was a good family friendly local place to eat...and she had a great birthday dinner, with desert and a candle!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...