Monday, March 25, 2013

Perfect Moment Monday - Movie Time

My friend Lori says "Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between."

Moment #1: It is just me and her. I want to do something special, so I decide we will go to the movies together. A new animated movie came out and I am sure she will like it. I sneak in candy in my purse, but I indulge her with popcorn and an Icee all her own. We sit in the darkened theatre and exchange the looks and whispered comments. We enjoy the movie and our time together. It is nice to just be mother and daughter. Afterwards, on a whim, I decide to take us out to lunch too. She remembers the place and specifically remembers that it has piles of books that children can borrow while they are waiting for their food. It is so wonderful to see sunshine in her eyes and hear it in her voice. It may not be spring yet weather-wise…but I see her sprouting and blossoming in that moment.

Moment #2: The next day. We are all at home. Secretly, I am thinking about the cute movie we saw yesterday and wishing that the rest of the family had seen it. Out of the blue, she suggests we all go to it. The expense, the fact that we just saw it yesterday…there are so many reasons why we shouldn’t. But she is so enthusiastic and, frankly, it is has been a hard few months for all. We sneak in popcorn and candy; we spend the money for the movie. She sits between her father and me. My son sits next to me. We enjoy the movie; she especially is excited and happy to be able to share the movie with her family. Family in a darkened movie theater, enjoying being together.


lostintranslation said...

That brought a smile to my face! I can feel your daughter's excitement. Glad you were able to go see the movie in those two perfect moments.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Being able to share time with just one child is rare and therefore special.

I'm glad you decided to indulge the whole family the next day -- sometimes saying "what the heck" is just what's called for.

So happy to see you for Perfect Moment Mondays!

Kathy said...

Love this! I echo LIT and Lori's sentiments about having special time with one child and now and then splurging on things like movies in the theater and going out to lunch! I just took my kids out to lunch and a movie (wonder if it was the same one you saw?) as part of our "Stay- cation" spring break! Thanks for sharing your perfect moments this month, I always enjoy reading them, especially your writing style. Have a great week!

Justine L said...

Love this. What a generous little girl, to want to share HER perfect moment with everyone else, too!

Addison said...

Sounds like a good use of two days! I'm also fascinated by the restaurant with a shelf full of kids' books... And I kinda wonder what the movie was :)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...