Saturday, March 16, 2013

Big Girl Bed!

It has been about 8 weeks since we picked it out at the furniture store, but today was the day Willow got her new bed!

She helped pick it out at the furniture store (she "helped" but did not dictate--otherwise the bed would have been PINK!)

A week ago I had her pick out bedding. arrived and she was so happy to have it!

(The pictures with my cell phone do not do it justice--also points out to me that she needs another lamp in her room...)

Just arrived and assembled, came this morning, so she was still in pjs.

Kif was the second one on the bed!  He had to explore!

Willow and I spent time re-arranging her room and putting things on her headboard shelves.  Willow wanted "books on the bottom shelves, toys on the top shelves" 
Tonight I read to her from the first chapter book I am reading to her at bedtime (Bambi) and looked at the different perspective of the room, realized how different this little girl is from the baby that used to inhabit this bedroom. 


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...