Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Time

Mid October and I find that fall seems to just be starting in earnest here. This past weekend it was warm like summer and it was bizarre to feel like that summer I really wanted to hang onto had decided to do just that.

But this week I have just started noticing some fall foliage around here--it is a little late this year and so far not as spectacular as usual. As usual, I look and look for the first sign of fall...and finally see a tree change color--and then there are beautiful colors everywhere!

I am looking forward to playing in the leaves and listening to them crunch under my feet. And I look forward to waxing some leaves with the children and putting them up on our kitchen window. (Reminding me of waxing leaves with my Grammie and putting them up on her kitchen mirror)

We have the kids Halloween Costumes already and I am looking forward to my two zombies (graveyard zombie and zombie princess) haunting our neighborhood soon.

Some Halloween decorations are up and I have been reading Halloween themed books. There is a Band Halloween Party, a preschool Harvest Party and a Weird Al concert in our future. Michael wants a Halloween themed sleep over (the boys watch scary movies in his room).

It seems appropriate that we are continuing with our Buffy marathon, started season three tonight.

Fall is here to stay, I think. And the holidays in all their bittersweet joyfulness are just around the corner.


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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