Friday, June 10, 2011


In better times, I remember it well. Going into the bosses and telling them that instead of a raise, I wanted a day off--time to spend with my son. They grudgingly gave me that day off. Every Wednesday until Michael went to kindergarten, I had mommy and me day with him. It was wonderful.

A few weeks ago I lamented that I could not do something like that with my daughter. That times were tough, I hadn't gotten a raise in a couple of years, and there was just no way I could go to my bosses and make such a proposal now.

And here we are. I am officially on "unpaid break" (hopefully only until September).

And now, despite the fears I have about having to find another job, about finances that were already at breaking point, about getting cabin-fever and dealing with projects large and small with the house....despite all those crazy mixed up emotions...

I am mostly smiling. At this moment, at the beginning of this supposed short-term obstacle, I see that this is what I had wished for. More time with my daughter. And a lazy summer days period for my son.

I know that eventually, even if this job doesn't pull through, eventually I will have another job.

But this time with my kids--it will never come around again. I am going to take full advantage of it.

(Come back here in a few weeks when I am going crazy with wanting adult conversation and tired of playing in the wading pool and the playground follies and Oh so sick of the multiple questions aimed at me in a three minute interval while I am trying to go to the bathroom--yeah, not really SAHM material...but I am gonna TRY!)



Kate @ Ex Libris said...

I hope this just ends up being a summer that you get to spend with the kids, with work in September. Good luck!!

Kristin said...

I'm glad this unplanned time off is making you smile and I hope your summer goes well. As for adult conversation, I'm only a phone call away.

ColourYourWorld said...

Hoping they take you back after Summer. How wonderful to get to spend it with your two.
Enjoy every moment!

drlloyd11 said...

Think of it as 90 Wednesdays in a row. You will get two years of kid time in only 3 months!! That's efficiency!

Christy said...

I hope that you enjoy your summer, despite your worry about the fall. It's funny, but sometimes life gives you what you need, rather than what you want.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is your best summer evah!

andrea said...

I so understand what you mean.
enjoy it!!

Photogrl said...

Enjoy the days...

I hope they can find a way to take you back come fall.


Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...