Monday, June 06, 2011

Lemonade--I hate it...

but I guess I will have to make some out of the lemons I just got handed...

I knew for a while (being that I am the Office Manager and do the bills and invoicing) that our little law firm was not doing too well.

Well, today I found out how bad it has gotten. On the other hand I also found out how much they regard me as an employee.

They do not want me to go. They really just can't afford to keep me...but, being lawyers, they are trying a compromise.

They are laying me off for the summer. Hopefully, I will be back to work after Labor Day. I am going to work the rest of this week, and then go on unemployment. I will lower Willow's preschool days; I will give Michael an option to spend July just chilling out at home with mom (luckily, his D&D Adventure camp in August is already paid for).

SO. This still leaves me uncertain for the future. I know that we can pull this off for short term; I know that they really really want me back.

I think, at least for now...I am going to make that (blecch) lemonade until August--and then I will assess whether I should start looking for another job...

Until then...I guess I got these two to make my summer worthwhile.



C said...

I am so sorry! Granted, I'm sure the kids will love spending time with you, and it's good that the firm def. wants to try and keep you...but it still sucks.

Lots of love to you.

Sarah said...

Oh I am so sorry! What a pain. Especially since you don't get to know anything for sure until the end of summer.

Enjoy the time with the family and hopefully it all works out and you just got an extra long vacation!

Serenity said...

Oh man. I'm sorry that you are in this situation.

I'd like to say "hey, maybe you can enjoy the summer with your kids!" But at the same time - so hard when you have that uncertainty looming.

Just ugh. I KNOW you'll make lemonade, because that's what you DO, but still.


Shell said...

Oh no! But, hopefully, you can have a great summer and go back in the fall.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Oh I'm sorry about the lemons you've been handed. Maybe you can enjoy a Mike's Hard Lemonade?

I know you will enjoy the time with the kiddo's this summer. Hoping you're back to full time this fall.


Yo-yo Mama said...

Oh BLECH!! Who is going to manage the finances while you are gone to make sure they don't remodel? The logic that gets involved in these decisions is never logical.

I hope business picks back up and you are back to wishing it was still summer come fall.

Kristin said...

I'm so sorry Delenn. This economy frakking SUCKS. Thinking of you and praying for a financial solution.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I am so sorry! It always seems that for everything good that happens there is always something shitty waiting around the corner for some of us. Heres hoping you have a fantastic summer and job I'm the fall!

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

Sending good vibes to you. I am so sorry that this is happening. 2011 needs to take a break!

Anonymous said...

Lemons with a side of tequila!

Hope everything works out after this break...

MrsSpock said...

Oh crap! I hope you get to go back in the fall!

JJ said...

I am so very sorry that the beginning of your summer has given you SOUR lemonade--not fair! Sending you a big ole bottle of liquor to make that lemonade taste sweeter ;) Thinking of you friend!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...