Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Duly Noted - Blogger Ate this Post...

Kind of a randomy post today...

Potty Training –

Willow is really doing very well with potty training. I haven’t changed a dirty pull up for at least a week (almost 2 -- except for that oopsie on Mother’s Day). She is still in pull ups at home, but during the day at Preschool she is in underwear. Seems every time we try to do underwear at home—she pees right through 3 pair within an hour—always fun to walk into the kitchen and step in something wet, think its water and realize its pee—yep, that was Mother’s Day. Not sure why she does this at home. But I don’t mind (really), because even in pull ups she is consistently going to the bathroom (almost exclusively on the regular toilet). I had forgotten about the wiping and non-wiping, the accidents and the preparations(before we leave, while we are somewhere, before we leave to go home—always asking about the bathroom!) During the movie (Thor, which was good, btw) she had to go to the bathroom twice. So, I missed a key scene, hubs missed part of a cool battle (I think I won on that one!) I am happy with how smooth it is going, although she is still in diapers at night and I cannot wait for exclusive underwear wearing…

Mother’s Day –

Started off with a little girl peering at me while I was lying in bed and saying “hello, mommy”. I smiled and then noted that it was only 7:30 a.m. And that she must have slipped through the radar, because our deal on Mother’s and Father’s Day is that the person being honored gets to sleep in AS LATE AS THEY WANT (within reason, of course). Which, for me, since they are awaiting the chance to “surprise” me with breakfast in bed—well, that means 9:30 this time…they certainly surprised me at how well “they” (meaning husband) made breakfast. Homemade french toast (they went out and bought bakery fresh bread) and hot chocolate, followed by a piece of chocolate cake (psst...the cake was not that good). And then the day began.

My relaxation was fractured by husband being on a loooong phone call with his mother…whereupon I did the normal mom duties of playing with play doh, dolls, talking about a videogame and Star Wars while cleaning up a dirty pull up.

Back on track for a Mother’s Day—went with Michael to laser tag. It was at a new laser tag place right in town and it was a lot of fun! Only regret was (a) we only did one session (of 45 mins) and (b) there were not that many people there. That meant that Michael and I played on a team with two little girls (I would say one was like 8 years old, the other maybe 10). The two girls would run ahead and get shot up by their older relatives and run screaming through the maze. Michael was irritated by the screaming. I thought it was funny. Consequently, the Blue Team (us) did not fare so well…we lost 4 games out of 4. Afterwards, Michael played in this ENORMOUS bouncy house/maze/slide. It was great to have some time just with my “little” guy.

Add to that going to my favorite Japanese steakhouse for dinner…and it was a great day!

Pictures! -

Willow's Three Year Old portraits came in and I was able to revise my main collage in our living room. It was sobering to place her three year old pictures on top of her two year old pictures on top of her one year old pictures. I love traveling in time through these pictures...I just wish time did not normally go so fast while I am living it!!

Speaking of Time Flying By...

  • Already sent in the forms for Michael's summer camp. He is going to do Boys & Girls club first (which has arts, crafts, field trips, swimming, video games, etc.) and then in August he will be going to D&D Adventure camp again (or geek camp, as I call it!)

  • So, sixth grade just FLEW by!! I am proud of my straight A student and surprised by the maturity he has been showing this year. (On the other hand, one of his favorite silly things to do is dance up and down with his butt in the air and slapping it...something we try to discourage, especially since Willow seems to be trying to imitate it while dancing to songs)

  • Michael's spring concert is coming up (June 1st) and I know he has not been practicing his clarinet too much...I guess I have to encourage that more...

  • My dad is coming to visit in mid June (been a while!)

  • We have our week in Cape Cod scheduled for July 1 - 8th; which should be interesting--we have never been on Cape during July 4th (and my hubs birthday too!)

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    Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

    I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...