Monday, January 24, 2011

Perfect Moment Monday

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between. For more Perfect Moments, go HERE

Moment #1: Not in a particularly great mood, I find myself trying to lighten the mood by taking us to one of our favorite museums...only to find that the HUGE amount of snow makes it impossible to find a parking spot nearby, and its too cold and too treacherous to walk too far, especially with a toddler. We are all disappointed, and as we make plans to go elsewhere, she starts to cry and asks why we are not going to the "moooseeem". I am angry and frustrated and start to cry too. Both other occupants in the car offer suggestions (which I gruffily dismiss), and I find myself resolved to pull it together--so we start to head to another museum (of course totally opposite direction), calming both the toddler and myself down. But, the car is running out of gas. So, we have to stop off the highway, nearby a fast food restaurant...which reminds my son that he is hungry. So we go into the fast food restaurant for lunch and then decide that both my husband and son really do need to get those haircuts (the haircut place is nearby) we go there next. And we go to the comic book place next door. And we all decide that we are satisfied with our outing which wasn't--and return home, never going to a museum, but not unhappy.

Moment #2: The mood is totally lifted by a wonderful outing of Beatles Rock Band--never before has "Yellow Submarine" been so impressively sung than by a toddler, pre-teen, mom and "uncle"....

Moment #3: We play in corn meal, flour and water and I feel that that "educational/interactive" experience I wanted her to have today was fulfilled.

Moment #4: My son's pop culture education continues as me and him watch his first ever Gilligan's Island--the one where they "sing" Hamlet (oh and that is caught in my head now!)



Lori Lavender Luz said...

"Neither a borrower, nor a lender be. Do not forget. Stay out of debt."

Thanks for the earworm!

Sounds like you recovered your mooseum experience like a pro.

Kristin said...

I really love reading your perfect moments. They are so normal and everyday and simply wonderful!

andrea said...

i love your outing that wasn't!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Sometimes the outings that aren't are sometimes the best ones!

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