Wednesday, December 01, 2010

This Morning...

has been a pretty good morning so far.

I got up pretty much refreshed (I actually got a good night's sleep). My cellulitus was hurting on my leg last night, but elevating seems to have worked and it is better today (hoping the antibiotics are doing the trick). I was able to exercise and enjoy a good episode of Angel. Everyone showered, and I got the pot roast into the slow cooker. Was able to talk to Willow about tonight being the first night of Hannukah and listen to her talking about that she wanted to "go to Hannukah" (right now I suppose).

And then she mentioned "birthday" at random--which is pretty good, since her cousins are being born this morning...(which already makes it a pretty good morning, don'tcha think?)

Texted my brother, wishing them luck. (still awaiting report, but by now they should be here, if not already, shortly).

And as I drive into work (listening to a nice Christmas CD that the Cub Scout troop made for us the one year Michael was a Cub Scout), I get a call from Hubs. Willow counted the menorah candles--at least up to english and in spanish (I guess Dora and Diego DO have a purpose in my life)!

So, yeah. This morning is rocking!

(I am taking half a day off today, so that I can meet K & L, my nieces)

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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