Saturday, December 11, 2010

Caroling at Mt. Auburn

I always like to keep busy and find fun things to do. And if I can find something that is minimal money (or free!) its even better. Especially out in nature.

So, today, the kids and I enjoyed the mild weather and went to something that I hope to do annually--Caroling at Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

Not only was it free, not only was it Christmas themed, but it was also at one of my favorite places in Cambridge. Mt. Auburn is beautiful and it was the first time I had went on a guided tour. I guess the Friends of Mt. Auburn do lots of activities like this and in fact this caroling is something they do each year.

Our first stop was at Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's grave.

We read his poem "Christmas Bells".

We then went along to several other stops, singing "Jingle Bells" and "O Christmas Tree".

We went to Philips Brooks grave--he was the rector of Boston's Trinity Church, and authored "O Little Town of Bethlehem", which we sang to him. (We also sang Happy Birthday, cuz his birthday is December 13th--Willow liked that one!)

We also went to James Russell Lowell's grave and read his haunting poem "The First Snowfall"

We actually haven't had any snow yet, but I think I do want to come back to see Mt. Auburn with snow. It has been a couple years since we had been there and I had forgotten how much I loved it. Michael pretty much had to stick to with the group, as I was on my own with corralling Willow--who was praised often for being so cute and well behaved.

Willow and I admired many interesting and beautiful monuments. (We were also to look for angels and wreaths)

The caroling ended at this angel, where we sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"

Afterwards, we went in for some hot chocolate and cookies.

And the photographer for Mt. Auburn cemetery asked for Willow's name--cuz she might be in the local paper in a photograph talking about this event...


andrea said...

what a fun event!

niobe said...

Wow. I wish I'd known about this. Maybe next year....

Jessica White said...

What a neat thing to do! Especially the guided tour part of all those interesting people.

Anonymous said...

What a great family event!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...