Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Willow is with child. She has a "baby in my tummy". I know, I know. I swore that I would not let her ruin her life. But, hey. She's young. And I will support her decision to have a non-existent baby in her tummy to the last.

Oh. She may have TWO babies in her tummy, actually...

Obviously, she's been exposed to a lot of pregnancies lately. Her best friend at daycare, Tessa, has a new baby brother. And she got to see Tessa's mom everyday--and she had that type of body I would kill for--all baby like it was a basketball that she was going to deliver. So, that was an obvious influence.

And my sister-in-law had two (!) that just were born last Wednesday, so she has seen tons of pictures of her cousins in the last few days. (She is soo looking forward to meeting them, I am not sure she understands that they are really real yet)

Still. It was surprising the other day to learn that she has a baby. "In there" [points to stomach, then jumps around the kitchen like a kangaroo--ah, another influence!]


Kir said...

isn't it interesting to watch them "play" at that??? Even my little boys try to put babies in their tummies sometimes...that maternal pull is strong.

what a sweet story. and I love the new look of your blog it's awesome :)

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Smooch has had a baby in his belly quite a few times recently. I told him if he could get a baby in his belly we might get rich!

Kristin said...

Kids are so funny. I wanna see the kangaroo hopping part.

Making The Memories...

Last night was going to be just an ordinary night...but then she actually was smiley and energetic...and wanted to make Grammie's Fudge....