Saturday, October 30, 2010

Corn Maze

Pictures from our trip to the giant corn maze. It was children's weekend, so we got a discount and there were lots of extras there for the kids.

Entering the Corn Maze. Last year it was Family Guy; this year, a tribute to Clint Eastwood.

I like that this year, if you get lost, you could TEXT your way out!

Michael was in the lead!

The corn was pretty dead, this late.

Finding our way out of the maze!

Spongebob was the first to greet us outside of the maze.

Willow was both excited and scared by the characters.

A mini-maze with haystacks.

Pumpkins everywhere!

While Willow was intrigued to see Elmo, Scooby Doo was the only one she got this close to. (After I petted Scooby, she then petted him) Oh, but she had no problem whatsoever on getting the CANDY that the characters were handing out!

There was also a bouncy house and a corn cannon. For a dollar you could shoot corn out of a cannon (well, technically they ran out of corn and were shooting apples). Michael got a kick out of doing it. A quick look into the petting zoo, and then a stop into the farm stand to get some homemade sourdough doughnuts...and we were done! It was a very fun way to spend Halloween Weekend.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...