Sunday, December 06, 2009

First Snowfall

Overnight the snow came. It was really just a dusting, not more than an inch or maybe two. But, it was that nice (for kids) wet snow. The type that makes good snowballs and, this morning, before most of it melted, out we went...

Michael was excited to get Willow to do her first Snow Angel. So excited, he helped her along...

Willow was far more interested in tasting and eating the snow...

While Michael and I at first threw snowballs at each other. Then, he got into making a small snowman army...

Willow was amazed and intrigued by the snow. Michael was happy to show Willow all the fun to be had with snow...

Willow even tried to clean off my car!

After almost an hour, I figured it was about time to get in. Willow cried and had a tantrum of 10 minutes, wanting to be out there in the snow. Wait until we get a real snowstorm!

After Michael came in, we all sat down for some warm holiday sugar cookies and watched the Santa Clause.


LJ said...

Super adorable pictures!

kimbosue said...

WOOHOO for snow! Houston had its earliest snow in recorded history last Friday! SO fun. Great pics!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Looks like everyone enjoyed the snow!

Kate @ Ex Libris said...

That looks so fun!

Jessica White said...

I love your background!

Cute pictures! Are you supposed to get this next storm that is coming through?

C said...

That looked like a GREAT time! Love the pics.

JJ said...

Love the pictures=)
Send some snow south, pretty please!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...