Thursday, December 17, 2009

Braces Bunch Secret Santa is My Hero...

Or how my Secret Santa was a very generous woman and should be Thanked with lots and lots of chocolate and good cheer!

I received my Secret Santa Gifts today (and frankly, I am still not quite sure who they were--they made sure to stay anonymous). (I have suspicions, but if anyone wants to own up....)

Not only were they wrapped very nicely, but there were gifts for Willow and Michael!! I was originally thinking of saving them for Christmas Eve (when we traditionally open presents); but Michael rightly pointed out that it is Hanukkah--so, its okay to open them now!

So, under the BB Secret Santa oath, pictures are thusly provided....

Here is my gift from Secret Santa:

I really like getting something that is whimsical. Very nice indeed! (I just realized there are tons of things in this picture--its the cute Angel!)

Here is Michael's gift:

Now, to be honest, I took some video of this, and if I ever figure out to get video on my might see his first reaction to this present was not the best--until he realized it has a FIBER OPTIC brush! Now, he can't wait to play with it.

Willow was so cute with her present that I took many's three!


Kristin said...

What great gifts!

Anonymous said...

I love those monkeys. Great gifts. I am getting excited to see Min man this year open his gifts.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

You have a ROCKIN' Secret Santa!

And two very adorable kids.

Rebel With.A.Cause said...

Ahhh it was me, I kinda forgot to name my blog on there!!

i am so glad you liked the gifts, I had a blast shopping for them, and I am actually living vicariously through your kids!! I LOVE Sock Monkey's and so want one of my very own... maybe Santa will bring it!! Not to mention I have been eyeing this brush set, and can't get it for Turtle yet, so you will have to tell me if Michael likes it!!

The Angel is something I saw and just had to get for you... it was the display, and I had to beg the shop owner to sell it to me!!!

I know that we were only supposed to get for the grown ups, but i am a KID spoiler!!! You should see my house, it looks like Toy-R-Us threw up in my living room!!

Did I put a card in there?? I could have sworn I did!! Anyway, I am SOOOO glad that you guys liked them!!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...