Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Show & Tell - #48

Last Saturday we made our annual trip to King Richard's Faire.

It was a beautiful day and everyone had fun. I got my face painted.

I figured something with the Grim Reaper would make my son happy...

Willow had no idea what to think and kept staring at my face all day.

There were pony rides for the kids (Willow made it 1/2 through the path before she got scared of the pony), lots of shows and jousting. Maybe next year I can get Willow to have her face painted!

Show and Tell


loribeth said...

Great photos! -- looks like you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Pony rides sounds like fun

Kristin said...

Sounds like y'all had a great day. I love the grim reaper you had painted on.

AnotherDreamer said...

lol about Willow staring at you! Cute :) Sounds like it was fun.

Anonymous said...

Awesome face painting!! I got my face painted on Saturday, too - must have been National get your face painted day, mine was just a penguin though. I love the grim reaper that you got, and had to laugh at Willow staring at you all day.

Quiet Dreams said...

I love those pics! So great!
And pony rides are always a little just never know--at least until they're older and then they want something more exciting!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! The look on Willow's face is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Love the Grim Reaper. Excellent choice.

Stephanie said...

Love that second picture! The look on Willow's face is priceless. :)

Caro said...

Looks fun

Lin said...

LOL...The expression on Willow's face is priceless! Too fun!

Lynn said...

Cute! Glad you had a good time! It sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Kate said...

We've been talking about going to RenFest here in Houston. How fun!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I love the look on her face--pure confusion. Imagine if you got a tattoo...

Carrie said...

Yeah, she looks very confused, but amused too. My daughter loves to get her face painted too. Thank god she hasn't attempted it with markers by herself yet.

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...