Thursday, September 10, 2009

Show & Tell #46

Today is the first day of school. Again. My traditional photos of my son on the first day of school--Fifth Grade. (Oh my--Fifth Grade!?!)

Every year I take these three photos:

Michael getting up:

This year was harder in getting him up than the last (which was harder than the last).

Eating Breakfast,made by mom (doesn't normally happen, cuz I usually leave before his breakfast, but for the first day--I go to work late)

This year, its the first year he is eating in the living room--watching t.v. (well, I guess its good that it took this long before this started happening...)

Leaving the house.

Each year, he is getting taller!

Okay, so those are the traditional shots I have to get. Here are other random ones I took this morning:

He picked out the outfit..its very Michael. I used to care about getting his hair just right for the first day. But, you know...he needs a haircut, but it looks better than some of those kids I saw last year with mohawks (okay, when did this become a trend again?!!?)

Willow, of course, had to get into the act!

Of course, the shot I wanted had her looking at her big brother...

My little ham. This was one of the first photos I took this morning...

I think I was more nervous than he was this morning. I can't wait to pick him up today and hear all about it!

Show and Tell


Mrs. Gamgee said...

I remember my mom taking those kinds of pictures. Standing in front of the door in our new school clothes, bookbags in hand...

Your son looks like he's prepared for a great first day! said...

Oh how sweet!

If you do it every could have a gallery ready...and what a treasure it would be!

Loved Willow stretching her hands...

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Great pictures! Hope his first day was a good one!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I forgot to take photos last year, but I got them this year. It is so cool how you catch him in three unposed moments. I need to remember this for next year.

Cibele said...

I hope that he is having a wonderful first day!!!!!

Kristin said...

What great pics!

Lynn said...

How cute! These photos will be a treasure to him when he grows up! Its a great tradition :D

Hope he had a great day!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Are you telling me that waking the kids up will continue to get harder?

I probably could have guessed that, but I'm in denial.

Great pix!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Hope his day was fantastic!!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

I think the trend started with Maddox Jolie, who had a mohawk in 2005. I wonder what all of the "cool" kids would say if they realized they were emulating a then-4-year-old.

Kate said...

I am soooo behind on blogs, but it just struck me how grown up your kids look! I hope the first day was a good one!

Once A Mother said...

he looks very ready for a new year at school... love the eyeball shirt. willow looked adorable too, like she was saying "hey where are you going without me!" thanks for sharing

ps i too wonder where that mohawk rebirth came from

loribeth said...

I get a real kick out of seeing back to school photos. Thanks for sharing yours!

KimboSue said...

OMG!! They are both so big!!!!!

Staring the New Year off...with an OW!

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