Saturday, September 20, 2008

Show & Tell #10

Show and Tell

I love Autumn. I especially love Autumn in New England. While the weather and the foliage are the most noticeable things (ahh, the smell of fall!) other things come to mind during fall. Pumpkin pie for one...

A few years ago (omg--these photos are from 2004!) we went to a Pumpkin Festival in Concord, MA. My husband, merely because he thought it would be funny, joined in the pumpkin pie eating contest.

And yes, it was the funniest thing in the world! Unfortunately for him, the pumpkin pie taste/smell stayed in his beard and mustache for so long--he HATES pumpkin pie now (hey, more for me!)

What are your favorite things about Autumn?


Lollipop Goldstein said...

I love, love, love autumn in Mass. My sister lives out by Concord so we're debating going there in October. But I used to live in western Mass and it's pretty spectacular out there as well.

Michelle said...

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. The fresh crisp smell in the air. Here in Michigan I live to drive up north and look at the BEAUTIFUL trees change colors.

Kristin said...

I love, love, love to see the trees change colors and the crisp afternoons.

Cara said...

Second everything! As a lifetime New Englandder I can say without hesitation, My Favorite Season is FALL! Chilly mornings, warm afternoons, but you can still grill out at night!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I love Autumn in Southern California, the weather dropping below triple digits, the fresh harvest of apples, and the Santa Ana winds!

AnotherDreamer said...

I love the change in the air, the yellowing tree leaves... it's so beautiful.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Your husband looks like a great sport!

Fall in NE is beautiful.

Topcat said...

I've always wanted to know ... is pumpkin pie sweet or savoury? We don't have it in Australia.

It is spring where I live ... hurrah!! But, autumn is stunning here. People come from miles around to come and visit, it's spectacular. Me? I don't like autumn that much. It's one step closer to winter.

Wishing 4 One said...

I miss autumn in the NE. I remember the leaves changing and how beautiful and dramatic the colors were. Here in Cairo it just seems teh leaves fall, and the trees become bare, boo hoo. What a sport your husband was too. Thanks for sharing.

docgrumbles said...

mmmm...pumpkin pie! Oh my how I love pumpkin pie! I must make one soon!

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