Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Room Artifacts (for those starting to work on your nursery) - UPDATE

UPDATE: Oh yeah…to add to this feeling of my little boy growing up---
I picked him up from After School last night: and he started The Santa Talk. Yep. Luckily, he can have the joy of “playing” Santa as I did with my younger brother. In fact, the conversation ended with him relishing getting to eat the Santa Cookies next year.

Yesterday, I spent some time putting up posters in my son’s room. These posters not only signal his on-going obsession with all things Star Wars—it also signaled another stage in his growth.

This room started off as a Gaming Room—one where we had put a card table up, had board games and bookcases of books and gaming stuff.

It became my son’s nursery – with Baby Looney Tunes being the theme—here is the last remains of that scheme (kept on the wall by me since the beginning):

Then there was the short lived Transportation Theme—as signaled by this last remain (the light switch):

The picture is a framed drawing from kindergarten.

The longest themed – Spongebob.

Here is what my husband and I tore off this weekend:

And, as I put up the new room décor, I found this artifact, hidden away behind the turtle’s aquarium:

I still have more to remove and add to this new incarnation of this room. But as I started, it felt bittersweet to be doing this. It will probably be the last time I actually have much say in it at all. I am slowly going to take away the artifacts of previous rooms, the ages of my son fast forwarding toward the 9 ½ year old in front of me. The 10 year old (and the teenager--brrr..) not too far from reality—

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Show & Tell #11

Show and Tell

Tonight we went out for the first time without either of our kids. We left them in the care of a new babysitter (which worked out very well--my kids impressed her and she impressed us).

The place we went to was here.

Here are some pictures from the last time we went there:

It was to celebrate our anniversary:

And it was to pamper ourselves before we did the long trails and tribulations of IVF (Cycle One of Two). We stayed at the hotel overnight, we went to this restaurant for dinner and to this one before for lunch. In between lunch and dinner, we went to a Spa for massages. It was a wonderful anniversary and a wonderful way to disassociate ourselves from the first part of the infertility tango (the years of TTC, the tests, etc.) and to start fresh for the IVF cycles to come.

As we went to these two places tonight, it was amazing to me that only a little under 2 years has passed. And how much we have went through. And how much we have gained.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 months - Updated with Pictures

And I can't find the flipping cord to my camera!! So, I took some pictures, but they will have to wait for a bit...

Yesterday, Willow was 5 months old. She celebrated by having a check up at the doctors. She is 14 lbs. 1 oz; I am sorry I do not remember her height. The doctor says she is thriving and totally happy and healthy (which we knew). She also got SHOTS--one in her arm; 2 in her legs. Which meant that last night--at precisely 11:30 p.m. (when we were going to bed) she decided to wake up and be irritable all night. (Poor girl) But, this morning--same 'ole smiley self.

The doctor said she could keep going on the solids--1-2 times a day. So, last night--she got bananas! (Her expression was great--which is what the damn picture will show!)

Fast forward to this morning at around 3 a.m.--she could not sleep unless she was in my arms (even then not necessarily) - I was in our bed with her and Michael came into bed with us (husband sacrificed and slept on the couch downstairs). At one point I woke up to see my two children snuggling up to me. Sometimes I cannot believe my good fortune.

Here's the pictures:

Ready for Bananas?

Okay, so what the BLEEP was that?

Okay, this ain't breast milk, but it ain't bad either.

Sitting up.

Rattle "stolen" (says Michael) from daycare.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Braces Bunch - Welcome 2nd Gen! (belated) - Updated - WHEW!

Okay, I admit, I am behind in my Braces Bunch duties. I swore when I joined the BBs that at the very least, I would send people out Birthday Greetings (even if it was me merely printing out on my printer and sending it out). Well, that went by the wayside during maternity leave, but I am going to start back on this track...and in so doing, I want to update my blog list. And that is where I am completely overjoyed (and overwhelmed!)! There is a 2nd Generation of BBs!! And there are so many interesting and fun people out there. I don't think I had a chance to say "HI" to all the new BBs, who I have not necessarily been keeping track of (well, some of them I was following already). I am proud of JJ for founding the Braces Bunch, and I hope everyone has been sending something out to someone in the BB--it is such a pleasure to get something in the mail! Speaking of giving some love, please stop by BB original member Cibele as she going through a tough time.

So, this updating my blog list might take some time, but I am looking forward to meeting new people!

UPDATED: Okay, that is a LOT of new Braces Bunch Members! I must say that there seems to be lucky baby dust all OVER the BB's, so many of you are in the midst of pregnancies and hopeful BFPs...Good Luck to ALL!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Show & Tell #10

Show and Tell

I love Autumn. I especially love Autumn in New England. While the weather and the foliage are the most noticeable things (ahh, the smell of fall!) other things come to mind during fall. Pumpkin pie for one...

A few years ago (omg--these photos are from 2004!) we went to a Pumpkin Festival in Concord, MA. My husband, merely because he thought it would be funny, joined in the pumpkin pie eating contest.

And yes, it was the funniest thing in the world! Unfortunately for him, the pumpkin pie taste/smell stayed in his beard and mustache for so long--he HATES pumpkin pie now (hey, more for me!)

What are your favorite things about Autumn?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


(This post is in the TMI range—you have been warned)

So. Finally got AF.

Reminding me so much about what I so hate about it. The bloating, the cramping, the bleeding, the general UGH.

Reminding me about how for many years I would grumble about why I would go through this each month, but STILL would not have the pay-off of another child.

Reminding me about the 2 years that I kept careful records on our calendar, notes that say “SP” (started period) with a big “X” marking times that ovulation would be happening. (I look at old calendars and think—“What a waste”).

Reminding me that for those 2 years we just assumed the timing was off; not that there was something actually wrong. (again, the wasted remark)

Reminding me that the last time I started a cycle I had to call the Clinic so they could set up the protocol and so that I could come in for my blood draw (more blood—yeah!) and start the long waiting periods of hope and hell.

It is so hard to have these reminders and understand that this time and for time in memoriam, I don’t need to care about any of that stuff. Its over and I can look at my daughter and be happy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Show & Tell #9

Show and Tell

Time, time, time, see whats become of me
While I looked around
For my possibilities
I was so hard to please
But look around, leaves are brown
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter --Simon & Garfunkel

It is amazing how not so long ago I wrote this post. Reading Mel's posts about her troubles leaving the twins at daycare reminded me about how nervous I was about my son's first day of kindergarten. Would he get on the right bus? Would he be okay at school ALL DAY? Would I survive? Of course, the results were mixed. He got on the bus fine, I was not "all" right that day--I even took the day off (just in case HE needed me), but only 3 weeks later would we start the unending school meetings about his eventually diagnosed ADHD/Anxiety disorder.

All I do know, is the simple yet true part of life...it goes too quickly.


First Grade

Second Grade

A little movie I made at Jumpcut.

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Need I say more?

I was looking at Geek clothes for both kids, and found this

BTW, Cafe Press does have some cool clothes for infants (oh, hey for everyone--who can resist a Cthulu for President Sticker?)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Show & Tell # 8

Show and Tell

Recent photos from Niagra Falls, Canada. We had never actually seen the falls, even though when we have traveled to Michigan, we have passed them many times. This time we chose to stay at a hotel with a view of the falls. We left Michigan on our way back to Massachusetts on Friday night. Arrived at our hotel at 1 a.m.

This was the view we had outside our hotel room.

Willow, who had been asleep the whole time in the car, awoke to look at the view:

We awoke to an even better view.

And then had room service bring up breakfast so we could eat outside on the deck.

All the pictures and video I took cannot do it justice. I think water is such a beautiful thing and to see those falls made me awestruck. I could have watched the falls for hours. (However, we still had a 12 hour drive ahead of us--next time, next time).

Thursday, September 04, 2008


First time seeing Niagra Falls:

First Day of School - 4th Grade Edition:
(Same photos I have taken every first day of school since kindergarten: waking up; having breakfast; going out the door)

First Bite: (Willow had some cereal mixed with formula for the first time on Monday, September 1st)

Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...