Friday, February 01, 2008

Friday Fun - Our Cat

Cute pictures of my kid and my cat:

Gabrielle thinks the crib is her new bed...she can often be found in it. Pictures taken the first time we discovered her in there...


Chastity said...

That baby bedding is so cute! I recently did a painting for someone to match that very same bedding set!

N7 said...

omg those are adorable pics! I'm trying to decide whop to squish first...the cute lil boy or the cute lil kitty!
What is the name of that bedding? It kind of sort of not really looks like mine but I think I like yours better! :)

Valerie said...

I love the bedding! I know what you mean about Me and Steve. I feel like I want to cry right now for them. I am so sad.

Cajun Cutie said...

So Cute. We once had a cat that liked to sleep inside the Christmas tree.

Dr. Grumbles said...

OH, come now! Anything new is clearly for the cat's enjoyment!

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