I used to feel this way when I started a new school. Wandering the halls, trying to get to new classes, etc. Always had a surreal feeling.
After a while, things would become routine and the new and strange would become normal.
This happened again when the Pandemic struck. I remember being at work when they announced that everyone was to go home because the country was in a lock down. We all gathered in the hallway, and I got that strange dream like surreal feeling.
The next few months were like that too...and then...it became routine and normal. Now, when I go out somewhere and I see someone wearing a mask, I don't question it.
And that, THAT is what I fear the most about what is going on in this country. I worry that our country is in a dream/nightmare state right now---and that things will become normalized. That a Dictatorship will be normalized. That Deportations of people who are doing nothing wrong, and in fact are HELPING our country be a better place...will become routine.
Today, in Massachusetts, there was at least one ICE raid. Freedoms are being stripped away, and my worst fear is that those who believe in this madness will believe this is a good thing--and that they will force the rest of us to have to adjust.
I cannot. I will not. I will defend those who are dear to me first, but I will also defend those who need defending the most...because this is anything but normal.
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