Sunday, March 02, 2025

TotalCon 2025 Recap

Another year, another Total Confusion gaming convention!

This year was one of those Above Average, Wonderfully Good Years! 

Everyone had fun, even I got to play more than just one or two games, and everyone got along.  

Only MAJOR issue was that the Pool was out of commission this year--Renovations!

Minor issue the first night--we have realized that we have finally gotten to the point that both kids need separate bed areas--so a Cot was procured and the rest of the weekend went well.

We actually started the weekend off early for us--got there on Thursday evening and Chewy was playing a role playing game by 7 p.m. that night.

My highlights were playing a board game event with each kiddo (The Thing with Willow and Santa vs. The Martians with Michael), and playing a role playing game with Willow (who is hilarious when she role plays).  I even got to play a role playing game by myself one evening!  All the games were fun and creative.  

AND Michael had his birthday on that Friday--and thanks to grocery delivery, I was able to get him a surprise cake!

I didn't take as many pictures this year...happily too busy!


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TotalCon 2025 Recap

Another year, another Total Confusion gaming convention! This year was one of those Above Average, Wonderfully Good Years!  Everyone had fun...