Thursday, March 26, 2020

The World is Upside Down and Sideways

Well, so far I cannot say this quarantine time has been eventful...

  • Chewy came down with a fever on Tuesday morning--and for a full hour we awaited with increased anxiety for his doctor to call back, to see if perhaps, despite all the precautions, he had gotten the virus.  THAT was a long hour.  Luckily (and who knew I would be saying this is "lucky") it seems he had gotten cellulitis again.  SO...quick trip to the ER, and admittance was in order.  He also got the Covid test--but expectations are the result will be negative.

  • Until he is given all clear, I am working exclusively remotely, instead of only half time remotely.

  • Then Kif went missing...and that was a wonderful scramble to find him...some how he had gotten outside...not sure when that happened...but now he is back.

  • Meanwhile, I have gotten some nice quality moments with the children.  Michael was nice enough to play a board game (Jaws) with me the first night Chewy was in the hospital (when we still were not certain of his diagnosis).  Willow watched silly television with me and snuggled next to me at 1 a.m. (yeah, our time is all messed up here).

  • We are running low of toilet paper, and sanity...but we are still here and safe.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...