Friday, March 06, 2020

January was long..February it is March?!?!?

Remember New Years?
This balloon does!  It's one of the 3 helium balloons I had gotten to celebrate the new year...and this one has just been hanging around and floating like a ghost throughout our house.  It pops up in our bedroom as we sleep, in the shower when we get up...last night it was hanging out while we were making dinner.  I don't have the heart to cut it and throw it away like the other two (actually, one of the other two balloons made for some helium speaking fun with Willow...)

So...the balloon lives...drifting through 3 months of time---there is a part of me that wants to see if it can at least make it to half a year!


Meanwhile, life has been busy  Willow has had some issues at school, Chewy got orthopedics for his feet; Michael is finishing community college and wants to study paleontology and film history at UMass Boston....and I am surprised at how quickly we are already past some of our biggest markers of the early part of the  year....

Michael already turned 21 years old!

He needs to get more experiences outside the home socially interacting with people, but...otherwise, he is an interesting, thoughtful young man who loves movies, history, video games and junk food.  He is currently into Star Trek (finally!) and we have watched a lot of old generation and we are up to the Sixth movie...and he is watching "Picard" with us.  

Willow got BRACES...

It is kinda cool to be able to be part of the "braces club" with her, as I remember my time with braces.  She has it a little better--she gets to the have the invisible type, and to help with cavities, they gave us an electric toothbrush and water pick! (A water pick!  -- I want one!)

We went to Total Con--and I had a blast playing the games--Michael was sometimes I said, he needs more experiences dealing with social interaction and being out in the "world"...but the games, they were awesome!

Willow was a riot playing Land of the Lost Miniatures with me... she boldly (or more appropriately, foolishly) wanted to be the first player in each new scene, so she often was our "distraction" while we ran/sneaked away from danger!  We all laughed so much, our faces hurt!

I also played a Marvel Role playing game (as The THing!) and, of course, an Andre game...I had a lot of fun!  I also got to spend some quality time with Willow and some pool time with her. we are in MARCH!

Looking forward to Willow's 12th (!!!) birthday, and the spring...although, we really have not had winter too much here at all....

The outside world is scary right now, we are anxious about that, and about our own battles we are fighting...but, we are doing well so far this year!

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing, I think, especially during these time...