Tuesday, March 17, 2020

And the World Turned Upside Down...

The world turned upside down
The world turned upside down
The world turned upside down
The world turned upside down
Down, down, down, down

So.  We are here. We are safe. We are uncertain. We are anxious, depressed, happy and scared, angry and tired.  The world has turned upside down.

Today, I worked remotely from home (only 2 days a week at this point), while both children were home.  Chewy worked beside me.  The cats...well, two of them really wanted to hang out with us.  (Kif especially made a nuisance of himself, in a cute and cuddly way).

Frankly, it was a successful work day for me, I got a lot done and was able to do most of my work without too much technical difficulties.  It almost seemed normal.  But.   

Mid-day, I took Michael and Willow with me to go to the grocery store to pick up a few items.  A lot of empty shelves, but all in all, we found things and we are not suffering for things to eat.  It was strange, but also made me thankful for what we do have...and worried for the many people who do not have it so lucky.  

Sometimes it takes times like these to have perspective.  All our troubles and worries--well, they are still there...but bigger concerns eclipse them for now.  And we hold our breath.

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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

I used to participate in a blog feature called "Perfect Moments" and I miss doing them...so, I think, especially during these time...