Friday, February 22, 2019

20 and onward to TotalCon...

Because we knew that we were going to be heading to Total Con last night (Michael's birthday), we got him a Birthday Cake on Wednesday night...his only request on what type of cake--it had to have blue frosting!

It was a very impromptu "singing" of Happy Birthday--this is a pretty informal birthday as it is..(his "word" for the new year--"urine")


Last night, we headed out to Total Con (right now, I am typing this on my lap top in a hotel room..).  But...before we started our Total Confusion Convention...time to celebrate Michael's Birthday, one more time---at Legal Seafoods!!

Where both kids tore into Lobsters...

And I mean, tore into...I had to at one point, tell her she had mined it all.

Michael - 20 years

Michael's "Official" photo, when I asked to take a picture of this occasion.

So.  I have a 20 year old son...who drives me crazy sometimes, who I worry about often, who surprises me just when I think I have him figured out...


And now, we are here at Total Con again, and I am looking forward to some fun games and memories...


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Sometimes, just sometimes...there is a perfect moment...

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