We left on Thursday evening and I could not help but feel a sense of belonging-- we have been going to this convention for so long, it always feels like a home-coming of sorts to go. Meeting up with old and new friends and acquaintances.
We had a rough start -- Michael was reluctant to go this year, then he went to his classes on Friday and took an Uber back to the hotel--whereupon Uber dropped him off not at the hotel and he was lost and frustrated -- THINGS WE LEARNED: don't rely solely on technology--write addresses down on paper (I had texted him the hotels name and address, but he couldn't access it quickly enough when the Uber driver insisted this was the address he wanted); Marlborough is wonky with the directions at points....after an hour of frustrations, it was worked out and all was good.
The rest of the convention was satisfying and fun! Met up with some friends and made some new ones, got some pool time and some game time...I think both Chewy and I enjoyed all the games we did--including Cyber Punk with the creator and Muppets D&D...and Michael and Willow both had fun and enjoyed themselves (sometimes despite themselves!!)
And now...another yearly ritual is over--until Next Year!
Did not take many pictures this year--but here is Friday morning: